One afternoon in 2005 I watched Biker Build-Off, my, then – favourite TV show. I was building my new kitchen with my buddy Rob. I could get glimpses of the show while working. Some Japanese guy was making a custom-bike.
Some American dude was doing his thing. I was astounded by what I saw happening. The Japanese guy created something so excellent, so beautiful, a thing so deeply rooted in American history. I was amazed how he took the design to such a level. We know that Japanese are excellent adaptors, well this goes beyond adapting. This is a step further, or many steps. Is it because they believe matter can possess soul? Is it their excellent craftsmanship that they kept honouring while we threw it out with the garbage.
The Japanese guy created something straight from heaven. His name was Shinya Kimura.

It was the beginning of my fascination with this kind of customizing. Deus started doing their thing, also rooted in Japanese methods of bike-building.
Then one afternoon with same buddy Rob, who became an enthousiast himself, we decided to go and do this ourselves. We built our workspace, our shop. And we bought our first bikes to re-design. As we were fans of design with a certain craftsman aesthetic, we wanted to created a space where we would also create other things and sell products from others we liked.
We were joined by our friends Iwan en Wytze, who brought each their own skills and tools.
Two years after we opened our shop, with a great party, we are finally close to opening again. with some bikes made, things to sell collected and made. We worked hard. We learned some craft. We did it in our spare hours. And we loved every minute of it.